Top Rated

Top Rated

High Impact Resumes

High Impact Resumes

Reasonable Prices

Reasonable Prices

Fast Results

Work with one of only two Academy Certified Resume Writers in St. Louis, and one of only 120 worldwide.

Find out why we are top rated by many career coaches and former clients.

RJL Resume Writing and Career Consultants, LLC has earned the reputation of being among the best career service companies in the business. Most of our clients are referred to us from previous clients and career coaches from all over the US.
We are headquartered in St. Louis, MO, and that means tremendous savings and value for you. The majority of Academy Certified Resume Writers (ACRW) are on the East Coast, and most charge more than double our fees. When you work with RJL Resume Writers and Career Consultants, LLC you get the best of both worlds—a great resume that will land interviews at a reasonable cost.


In addition, you will be amazed at our customer service.
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed
and we won’t stop working until you get the results that you need to kickstart your next career!

We have served clients from cities all over the nation

including Boston, New York, Washington DC, Atlanta, Nashville, Chicago, Kansas City, Memphis, Dallas, Phoenix, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, and many others. We also have an extensive list of countries from all over the world.

What Our Clients Are Saying

Robert is incredibly knowledgeable about resume writing and the hiring process. Before I met him, I thought my resume looked pretty good, but I kept applying for jobs and not hearing back. I was batting 0 for 100 in my job search, so I gave Robert a call. We had a good conversation about my career thus far and my professional goals, and he fine-tuned my resume with that information. I thought I'd have to drop off hundreds of more copies of the new resume, but Robert's strategies worked like magic! I got offers for the first two jobs I applied for using the resume that Robert had updated. They were good jobs, too: both had more responsibility, better pay, and provided more opportunities for growth than the jobs I was getting turned down for before.

If you're looking for a new job or just want to fine-tune your resume, I can't recommend the services of Robert Linderer highly enough!

Mike C.
Santa Fe, New Mexico


Mike C.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Robert is incredibly knowledgeable about resume writing and the hiring process. Before I met him, I thought my resume looked pretty good, but I kept applying for jobs and not hearing back. I was batting 0 for 100 in my job search, so I gave Robert a call. We had a good conversation about my career thus far and my professional goals, and he fine-tuned my resume with that information. I thought I'd have to drop off hundreds of more copies of the new resume, but Robert's strategies worked like magic! I got offers for the first two jobs I applied for using the resume that Robert had updated. They were good jobs, too: both had more responsibility, better pay, and provided more opportunities for growth than the jobs I was getting turned down for before. If you're looking for a new job or just want to fine-tune your resume, I can't recommend the services of Robert Linderer highly enough!
I hired Robert to update and write my resume. He was great to work with, he had great ideas/suggestions to include in my resume, and best of all, once my resume was completed, he has stayed in touch to help in my job search in any way he can.

Brett A.

Boston, MA


Brett A.

Boston, MA

I hired Robert to update and write my resume. He was great to work with, he had great ideas/suggestions to include in my resume, and best of all, once my resume was completed, he has stayed in touch to help in my job search in any way he can.
Robert has great vision and is a great communicator. I had Robert write my resume and had many interviews as a result. It helped me get the job I have at my new school. I would recommend him to write anyone's resume.

Jason Jarvis

St. Louis, MO


Jason Jarvis

St. Louis, MO

Robert has great vision and is a great communicator. I had Robert write my resume and had many interviews as a result. It helped me get the job I have at my new school. I would recommend him to write anyone's resume.
Of the 15-20 administrative positions that I applied to prior to using Mr. Robert Linderer’s resume’ services, I was called in for only three interviews. For the first position I applied for after he revamped my resume’, I was a finalist. By the second, I was offered the job.

Gabriel C

Educational Leader St. Louis, MO


Gabriel C

Educational Leader St. Louis, MO

Of the 15-20 administrative positions that I applied to prior to using Mr. Robert Linderer’s resume’ services, I was called in for only three interviews. For the first position I applied for after he revamped my resume’, I was a finalist. By the second, I was offered the job.
Robert is a true professional. I have seen his work as a resume developer, and it is truly remarkable. He has a way to take your accomplishments and have your strengths jump off the page for your prospective employer take note. My wife had three job offers in a week after using the resume Robert developed. I would highly recommend him as a person who can get you opportunities fast. He is quick, efficient, and highly motivated. He takes his job personally and is relentless in making sure your resume and cover letters get results.

Tom B.

St. Louis, MO


Tom B.

St. Louis, MO

Robert is a true professional. I have seen his work as a resume developer, and it is truly remarkable. He has a way to take your accomplishments and have your strengths jump off the page for your prospective employer take note. My wife had three job offers in a week after using the resume Robert developed. I would highly recommend him as a person who can get you opportunities fast. He is quick, efficient, and highly motivated. He takes his job personally and is relentless in making sure your resume and cover letters get results.
I highly recommend Robert as a professional resume writer/consultant, as well as a career consultant in general. I thought my self-written resume was above average. However, Bob took it and made better than I could ever imagine. He knows what employers want when viewing a resume, and he knows how to deliver just that and more. His creativity and knowledge will result in an appealing resume that will gain the attention to whoever has received your resume. I was highly impressed with his work and the finished product I received. I have already received multiple interview opportunities with the resume Bob has written for me. More than once, the interviewer has told me that my resume "stands out" by a considerable amount.
Thank You, Bob.

Zach H.

St. Louis, MO


Zach H.

St. Louis, MO

I highly recommend Robert as a professional resume writer/consultant, as well as a career consultant in general. I thought my self-written resume was above average. However, Bob took it and made better than I could ever imagine. He knows what employers want when viewing a resume, and he knows how to deliver just that and more. His creativity and knowledge will result in an appealing resume that will gain the attention to whoever has received your resume. I was highly impressed with his work and the finished product I received. I have already received multiple interview opportunities with the resume Bob has written for me. More than once, the interviewer has told me that my resume "stands out" by a considerable amount. Thank You, Bob.
I would highly recommend Robert to anyone who needs a professional resume made. I contacted him to make me a resume, and after one phone call, I knew he was the right person for the job. When I got my resume from him, I was blown away. There was no way I could have wrote the resume he did.

Timothy N.

Boilermaker Local 83/Safety Professional St. Louis, MO


Timothy N.

Boilermaker Local 83/Safety Professional St. Louis, MO

I would highly recommend Robert to anyone who needs a professional resume made. I contacted him to make me a resume, and after one phone call, I knew he was the right person for the job. When I got my resume from him, I was blown away. There was no way I could have wrote the resume he did.

What should you pay for a professional resume created
by a certified career expert?


Robert Linderer

A full-time certified professional resume writer

I earned my credentials as an Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW) from the Resume Writing Academy of New York City, one of most rigorous and challenging training programs available in the industry.

I earned a Master’s degree in Counseling and Career Guidance from Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau, and I completed doctoral coursework at the University of Missouri in St. Louis. I’ve spent more than 20 years as a hiring manager and supervisor of up to 80 employees and 900+ indirect reports.

My Professional Highlights

  • Experienced professional resume writer at all levels from Senior-Level Executives, Mid-Level Professionals, Skilled Trades, and Recent College Graduates.
  • Experienced, degreed and certified in both Counseling and Resume Writing
  • Rapidly promoted to leadership roles; oversaw recruiting and hiring of employees in a variety of backgrounds and vocations.
  • Won multiple awards for outstanding service in career development counseling.
  • Frequently called upon to guest lecture as an expert in resume development at regional universities, colleges, high school career development programs, and professional organizations.
  • Possesses an in-depth knowledge of helping clients market transferable skills and communicate value for career changers.
  • Committed to providing clients with outstanding career marketing tools that are cutting edge and in-sync with the ever-changing demands of corporate decision makers.
  • An active participant in professional development to learn and apply what’s new in the resume writing industry.

Work Philosophy

I have a high-level of passion and personal dedication to creating great resumes because a good resume is not going to make the cut in the current job market. My enthusiasm, professionalism, and expert-level interviewing and writing skills come together to provide each client with an outstanding resume that illustrates unique qualities, significant accomplishments, and a professional brand.

Contact Information

Robert J. Linderer, ACRW, MA

Certified Executive Resume Writer President,

President, RJL Resume Writers & Career Consultants, LLC

St. Louis, MO 63122

314-779-1964 (Office)
1-844-523-8257 (National)
314-420-8013 (Mobile)
314-735-1627 (Fax) (Email)

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The process — we make it easy!

We deliver great resumes fast! Expect an immediate response because you will be talking directly to the CEO of RJL
Resume Writers and Career Consultants, LLC when you call or email.

We offer free consultations and resume reviews Call us or email us with an attached resume in the box below

Phone Consultation

30-90 Minutes. We don’t have to use a questionnaire; we can use an existing resume and discuss during the consultation. There are times that questionnaires can be ery helpful and make the process more efficient. We will decide together how to proceed.

Resume Creation and Review

Resume Writing begins and within five business days you will receive the draft version of the resume.

Finals Delivered

You will receive the finalized version of your documents in Word.doc. PDF and ASCII are available at no extra charge.